A Cruise to Murder: A Cozy Cruise Ship Mystery (A Rachel Prince Mystery Book 1) – Dawn Brookes – 05.06.24

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It took me three attempts to finish this book! I bought it because I was going on my first ever cruise, a week in the med with my husband’s three siblings and their partners and I thought it would be fun. Also I was reading my way through Cixin’s Three Body Problem Trilogy and wanted something lighter. Well, lighter it definitely was.

I sometimes like to dip my toes into ‘cosy mystery’ type books, and I sometimes really enjoy them. Not so much this time. There is a lot of over explaining.

The first half of the book I could only take in small doses, but to be fair, I did kind of get into it and the second half sort of held my interest. There’s not a lot of allegory or hidden meaning and more time describing people’s hair and make up than their inner monologue or motivations. Ah well, it wasn’t very expensive. (Unlike my cruise!)

Me and the Wray extended family enjoying formal night on our cruise!

Published by sarahrwray

I'm an erstwhile writer and forever reader and book reviewer.

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